Welcome to Leadership Training

"All of us are ignorant, but in different fields." --Will RogersWill Rogers


Things to study and ways to study them:



Organizing Texas Retirees






Presenting our views to politicians

Visiting your political representative ( a short guide on this site )

Texas and U.S. Labor History

Time line of historical events


Future ideas for study:

These suggested by Glenn Scott in Austin:

1) Characteristics of good leadership

2) Teach in on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security ( toolkits)

 Speaking on ARA key priorities: Preserving &expanding Medicare and Social Security

 Writing letters to the editor

3) Speaking to the Media on our priorities

 Tips on press conference(African American media, Latino media, other minority

 TV show/radio show

 Staying on message

4) Building your local chapter as a diverse and activist organization

 Building lists of potential members

 Asking people to join

 Networking among retiree and senior groups in your community

 Invite retired public officials to join

 Holding social gatherings; forums; activist meet ups

5) Fundraising for your chapter and state TARA

 Fundraising events

 Online fundraising

community newsletters & media

Other ideas for study from a survey we conducted:

1. Speakers' tours
2. Local seminars?
3. Telephone conferences? 

4. On-line training?
5. How to organize events
6. Laws covering our activities
7. Letter writing campaigns
8. Speechmaking (rhetoric)
9. How legislation can be affected
10. "Earned" (free) media & announcements
11. Tactics, including "street heat" & civil disobedience

12. Outreach in Spanish
13. Use of e-mail & Texting
14. Using recording devices, including video
15. Electronic campaigns such as petitions
16. Use of social media such as Facebook & Twitter
17. Use of interactive media such as webinars

 18. Using web sites



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