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Learn the Truth
About Immigrant Workers!

North Texas Jobs with Justice will continue a series of inquiries into working conditions of immigrants. Panelists of the Workers Rights Board will hear evidence and testimony from North Texas immigrant workers. We will expose the truth on immigration "reform" proposals and the effect they would have on wages and working conditions for all North Texans.

7-9 PM Friday, April 28
Oak Cliff Methodist Church
547 E Jefferson, Dallas, Texas
(parking and entrance in rear

One of the most dramatic truths already revealed in our investigation is the horrible workplace safety records of Texas employers of undocumented workers. April 28 is Workers Memorial Day, when we remember those killed or injured on the job. Our panel will especially investigate workplace safety in this session.

The "reform" proposals in Congress would depress wages for immigrants and all Americans. Jobs with Justice, union members, church people, and civil rights activists demand fair treatment and the right to organize for all workers, including immigrants.

Panelists include: State Representative Roberto Alonzo, Sindicated Commentator Tunde Obazee, Dr. Jeorg Rieger of SMU, Dr. Isabel DoCampo of SMU, and Dr. Ron Wilhelm of UNT

For more information: (214)942-4236 and


¡Aprenda la verdad
Sobre Trabajadores Inmigrantes!

La organización Trabajos con Justicia del norte de Tejas continua su serie de investigaciones acerca de las condiciones de trabajo de los inmigrantes. Los miembros del Jurado de la Junta de los Derechos de los Trabajadores escucharán evidencia y testimonio de los trabajadores inmigrantes del norte de Tejas. Expondremos la verdad en cuanto a los propósitos de "reformar" la inmigración y el efecto que tendrían en los salarios y condiciones de trabajo para todos.

19:00-21:00 Horas
Sábado, 1ro de Abril
Iglesia Methodista Oak Cliff
547 E Jefferson, Dallas, Tejas
(estacionamiento y entrada al posterior)

Una de las verdades más dramáticas revelada por nuestra investigación es el record horrible sobre la seguridad de obreros indocumentados. El 28 de abril es el "Día de Conmemorar a los Obreros," la ocasión para recordar los obreros heridos o muertos en su sitio de trabajo. El jurado investigará especialmente la seguridad de los obreros en el trabajo.

Los propósitos de "reforma" de las leyes migratorias en el congreso tendrán el efecto de reducir los salarios para todos. Trabajos con Justicia, sindicalistas, la comunidad religiosa, y activistas para los derechos civiles exigen un trato justo y el derecho a organizarse para todos los obreros incluso los inmigrantes.

El Jurado incluye: el Diputado Estatal Roberto Alonzo, el periodista Tunde Obazee, el Dr. Jeorg Rieger de la SMU, la Dra. Isabel DoCampo de la SMU, y el Dr. Ron Wilhelm de la UNT.

Para más información: (214) 942-4236


Please contact North Texas Jobs with Justice if interested in helping with this important work. After Jobs with Justice made our decision and began petitioning for fairness, we learned that we had boarded a fast-moving train. The Dallas Area Interfaith, the leading umbrella organization of religious groups in North Texas, had already scheduled a press conference favoring fair legislation in Congress. Click here for an account. We joined that press conference with our own Jobs with Justice statement. The statements of religious leaders were inspiring, particularly that of Lutheran Bishop Kevin S. Kanouse. We set up a panel to investigate the facts about immigrant's working conditions. On April 1, we held our first hearing. The next hearing will be at 7 PM on Friday, April 28, at Oak Cliff Methodist, Marsalis and Davis in Dallas. On May 1, North Texans are asked to stay away from work and to observe a consumer boycott.

For updates about the situation in Congress, check the Catholic web site:

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