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North Texas Jobs with Justice
P.O. Box 225822 Dallas, TX 75222 Phone: (214) 942-4236

Organization Affiliation Form

Under 1000 members - $100.00
Over 1000 members - $500.00
Over 5000 members - $1,000

Jobs with Justice affiliation is available to membership organizations who support the basic principles of Jobs With Justice, encourage their members to sign the Jobs With Justice Pledge to come out 5 times a year to support someone else's struggles, and mobilize their members to support Jobs With Justice Actions. The Texas Jobs With Justice Organizing Committee is working to support the building and strengthening of local Jobs With Justice coalitions in the state of Texas. Jobs With Justice stands for the protection and extension of the rights of working people and their communities including:

Name of Organization: ______________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________
(City) (State) (Zip)

Phone: (____) ________________ Fax: (___) ________________ Email: ______________________

Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________

Level of Financial Support: ___________________________________________________________

Who we are:

Jobs With Justice is a nationwide network of coalitions of labor, community, faith, student and constituency organizations. Jobs With Justice coalitions are dedicated to protecting the rights of working people and supporting community struggles to build a more just society. We are committed to the creation of family wage jobs, support for organizing both here and abroad, and maintaining pressure to demand corporate accountability in our communities. In its work Jobs With justice gives priority to struggles involving the most vulnerable workers in our community, low wage workers, immigrants, people of color, women and youth. Jobs With Justice mobilizes support for labor and community struggles at rallies, on picket lines, in educational settings and at meetings and hearings. Jobs With Justice believes that direct action is an important part of supporting these campaigns. Jobs With Justice believes that labor, community, faith student and constituency organizations must work together to build power and win victories for workers, families and communities.

MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE: NORTH TEXAS JOBS WITH JUSTICE and mail to Box 225822, Dallas TX 75222 or fax to 214-943-2321