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Please Help Get Texans to the U.S. Social Forum

Please make a contribution to get our delegation to a history-making event. Reverend L. Charles Stovall and 6 other North Texans have registered on to go to the U.S. Social Forum in Atlanta June 27 to July 1. Registration fees are already paid and some scholarship money is coming from National Jobs with Justice. The problem is to get the rest of the money for air fare and housing in Atlanta. Please send a check to North Texas Jobs with Justice, Box 225822, Dallas TX 75222, or click here to donate on-line

About the U.S. Social Forum:

Plans are well underway for the first U.S. Social Forum to take place in Atlanta June 27-July 1st, and attendance is expected to be 5,000-15,000. The USSF will provide space to build relationships with other activists and movement building organizations in the U.S., learn from each other's experiences, share our analysis of the problems our communities face, and bring renewed insight and inspiration. It will help develop leadership and develop consciousness, vision, and strategy needed to realize another world. The USSF sends a message to other people's movements around the world that there is an active movement in the US opposing US Policies at home and abroad. We must declare what we want our world to look like and begin planning the path to get there. A global movement is rising. The USSF is our opportunity to demonstrate to the world Another World is Possible!

Jobs with Justice nationally is helping to organize parts of the USSF; JwJ is on the national planning committee for the forum, we are helping facilitate a labor working group, we are planning a series of workshops, Atlanta JwJ has proposed the major action that everyone will participate in, we are planning a party to take place during the Forum that will celebrate JwJ's 20th Anniversary, and most importantly, we are organizing a JwJ delegation to "be there". Since we have postponed our JwJ National Conference to 2008 and since we expect hundreds of JwJ activists to attend the Forum, we will use the USSF as an opportunity to do some sharing and thinking among our own network as well as the larger USSF.

Why should your coalition attend? Because we believe that the U.S. Social Forum will provide the space to:

1. Build relationships with other networks of movement building groups (national, regional, and local)

2. Share our model of coalition building and mobilization

3. Learn from other groups on how they approach their work

4. Gather JwJ staff, leaders, and activists to have discussions and planning on our continued campaign work - health care, immigrant rights, global justice, and organizing and bargaining campaigns.

5. Celebrate our 20th Anniversary as a network

6. Explore future actions and mobilizations with other groups who share our vision.

More information about this exciting event is available at and at

All members of our North Texas delegation should register at, not at

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